Giacomo Marangoni


Giacomo is a  post doc researcher at Pennsylvania State University and CMCC in the field of climate-energy-economic modelling. After graduating in control systems engineering, he started leveraging on his mathematical and computer science background to contribute to better quantitative tools for understanding the socio-economic dimensions of climate change and the economic consequences of climate policies.

While being involved in various projects funded by international organizations, as well as governmental agencies and private institutions, he pursued a PhD degree in Applied Economics Engineering at Politecnico di Milano on the subject of optimal strategic investments in the energy sector under uncertain technical change and sustainability concerns.

In the COBHAM project, he worked on challenging and improving what we know about how people consume energy, taking advantage of the wealth of data coming from smart meters and energy sensors. He also tried to identify patterns of behavioral response to information feedback on consumption, in order to design better technologies supporting energy conservation programmes.

Junior researcher

Post Published by Giacomo Marangoni

Dec 20


What are the enabling and limiting factors of solar deployment? New answers thanks to deep learning
Apr 17

Following the flow

How much of the energy we consume do we actually waste? Energy Flow Charts leave no doubt on [...]
Jan 1

CO2 emissions, live

The ease and relative affordablility with which most Europeans can consume electricity can make [...]
Mar 9

Like a roller coaster

The path that leads from a research idea to a research paper is like a roller coaster...
Jan 24

TV pickup

At any istant in time, power grids operators struggle to balance the quantity of electricity [...]
Nov 10

Software not so soft

While it is clear that behavior affects energy consumption, it is not always clear how much and [...]
Oct 15

Need for water

Besides widely known Energy and Electricity smart meters, over the last two decades, water [...]