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Besides our specific field of research here at Cobham, there are a number of really interesting initiatives out there focusing on the remote sensing monitoring of pollution sources and biodiversity losses which could potentially make a difference…

Agent Based Models are able to incorporate in Energy Choice Models not only monetary factors but also social norms, past experiences, the perception of quality and the information provided to the user…

Even the most popular and proven nudges sometimes fail spectacularly, prompting the targeted individuals to do exactly the opposite of what the nudgers intended...

UCLA Anderson Review

At the household level in China, carbon footprints are very unequally distributed: in 2012, only 5% of the population induced 19% of the total carbon footprint… while 58% of population have footprints down to 10 times lower…

According to ILO, the transition to a green economy will inevitably cause job losses (around 6 million till 2030) in certain sectors but they will be more than offset by new job opportunities (approx 24 Millions ) in others…